Site icon EFRONA MOR – Writer & Author of Epic Fantasy

About Me

The Outlaw King Epic Fantasy

Through an impoverished childhood, I rose above devastating hurdles in life to become a writer.
I could write heavily and hard about how I did this and that—make it look much better or worse than what it was. I’m a writer, remember… Chasing dreams is a story in itself. So, I’ll make it simple and list below the five things I’ve mastered in life—those things I’m most proud of—the breathless moments caught in an era of time where something wonderful will always be remembered and the reason why I am who I am today.

The world says it’s unwise to reveal one’s diversities—Jack of all—master of none—but these five chunks of life that became my passions are also what made me the writer I am today. Mom—writer—singer—artist—chef.

A Mom

First off, meet my greatest success. My Matanel.

My son and I

In the hours when the sun sleeps—when the world is quiet, I wake up as if summoned. I call it the summonsing of moms. It’s around 3 a.m., and I sit up in bed—listening, or perhaps I walk through the house in a moment of stillness—a moment when no one needs me, and the sounds of everything I love sing—a sleeping child, and he is well. A peaceful home, and I am grateful—not too many dishes in the sink—a writing project lit by the moon through the window. I return to bed and do nothing but count my blessings—returning to sleep.

The Chef

I became a successful chef and restauranteur. Roasting meats—sizzling sautés—grilled vegetables that jump with color—all things good, leaping out of the pan to plate with creative sauces dripping here and there… It is a part of my life I shall always cherish.
In the picture to the right, I’m teaching a class on how to eat right, but more important, how to cook food one might normally be repulsed by to make it taste good.

The Writer and Author

I started writing in 2011—a journey I will write about in my blog soon—but to sum it up. I climbed a mountain barefoot through the rigid harsh conditions—bloodied feet, tired eyes, and giving up a few times—ended with me ragged but smiling—standing atop those high peaks—seeing the world differently.

The Outlaw King
Legends of Nohar Book I
Coming soon.

Singer and Songwriter

This is how writing began for me. Ballads.
Singing was one of the most fulfilling—loving—and brilliant feelings in all my life.
Giving a song to another was a high nothing could ever replace.

The Artist

Lovingly sketching leaves was a joy of mine growing up. Withered, new, young, colorful—all were worthy—as everyone around our world is also equal. I thought about life when creating the colors of our leafy world. And you might find it interesting to know that The Outlaw King began within these leaves—a story about equality—how we are all beautiful.
Also, the memories of my son’s desk next to mine in my studio will forever hold precious memories of love that could not be sweeter.

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